A BIG thankyou to so many of you jumping on our 50% off deal for Cho Yung Detox Tea. We are the only health and detox brand chosen by Harrods store in London as we are the best!
Coming soon due to demand, Cho Yung Tea is going to be sold in coffee shops around the UK, so you can enjoy a cup of Cho Yung Tea anytime of the day, while relaxing or with your lunch, so keep an eye out for the coffee shops serving the Cho Yung Brand near you!
Any coffee shop wanting to offer your customers our tea, simply contact www.choyungtea.com
Ever feel like your 9-5 is killing you? Well, if you spend all that time sitting down, it just might be.
Indeed, numerous studies indicate that the health impacts of continuous sitting cannot be reduced through daily exercise. Even in physically active people, sitting increases their health risks. And this risk has been found to increase with every two hours of time spent sitting.